Friday, March 27, 2009

This Is Happiness

Last weekend was Amazing! It was so full of memory making moments. Jessica, my oldest friend, came down from Boise. I have not seen her since Thanksgiving. On Saturday I had a "Group Lunch" with all my friends from school. It was so great to see everyone again! Then I went to a BBQ with a ton of people from my ward. The whole weekend I was surrounded by the people that mean the most to me! I am a Lucky Girl!! These are the people that keep me sane!

Jessica and I have been friends since the 9th grade. She is like a sister to me! I know no matter what roads we take in life, our paths will always find a way to cross.

It was so awesome for Jess to meet my other best girl friends! I have been so BLESSED in my life because of them!

Shuey is so great! He stays awake crazy hours like I do, so I know I can text him at anytime!

Keldon had the best time too! He just loves all my friends and I know they love him just as much! Kaylie and Josh were so great with him!

Right after lunch, we hit up the BBQ. My friends from my ward are so amazing! I really look up to all of them so much! Mindy has been my rock so many times this last year. When I was down she was always there. Or when I wanted to be crazy and have someone to dance with in the living room she was always there! She is a BLAST!! Kristen and Anna are these awesome girls that I admire so much! There are so many things that I can learn from both of them. They have helped me more than they realize.

But the person who matters most to me is Keldon! He brings so much light into my life! He can always make me laugh! He really is my BEST FRIEND!! He had so much fun at the BBQ. He is so funny! He had to wear his shin guards the whole time!

This is his awesome kite that we tried to fly! It was great seeing him run and the kite just dragging on the ground! Anna, by far, had the best kite flying skills.

Mindy and I. She was trying to get rid of her dessert! It was so good!

Trisha and I! I am just starting to get to know her! She is such a great person and tons of fun to be around!

Keldon and I swinging! We were trying to see who could go higher! I couldnt help taking a picture!

Keldon and I playing baseball! He has a great arm!
I have been so blessed in so many ways in my life. I have so many things to be grateful for. This week was a little hard for me, but then I look at these pictures and remembered how great things are. I LOVE my life! This is what its about!


Blogger Heather M said...

You look great Ky! Glad things are going well!

March 29, 2009 at 10:46 PM  

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